Two influences have shaped my art: the sinuous lines of Art Nouveau (in particular, Aubrey Beardsley) and the mathematical beauty of Islamic geometry in architecture and garden design. All my work reflects these inspirations.
Digital art has enabled me to fuse hand-drawn designs with Photoshop precision and clarity. My works can be ordered in a wide range of colours and I also take individual commissions.
Alongside this, I provide training, copywriting and editing services to public and private sector clients across the UK.
I have also written three novels - The Africa Series -which can be found on Amazon.

M: 07711 267800
T: 01691 622226
E: shirley.carnegie@btinternet.com
Click here for details of Shirley Carnegie’s online Plain English training
Click here to find out more about Shirley Carnegie: The Author
5 Eaton Court, Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 9DA
© 2020 shirleycarnegieart.